AIAIA – Aesthetic Interventions in Artificial Intelligence in Africa is an exhibition of creative work from my art-research into the role of emerging technologies in healthcare, as part of the Future Hospitals project at HUMA, the Institute for Humanities in Africa at University of Cape Town. The show opened with work in progress on Wednesday 25 February, which will be developed over the course of the exhibition. I’m using the exhibition as a work space for the exhibition duration, interviewing collaborators and writing up work.
At the centre of the exhibition is the artwork Bone Flute, a 3D-printed replica of my femur, made into a flute. It is a collaboration with orthopaedic surgeon Rudolph Venter, in the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, and flute player, composer and improviser Alessandro Gigli. The work is accompanied by a short film made by film-maker Dara Kell. Thanks to Bernard Swart at CranioTech for producing the 3D print of my femur.